Urban Program

CARE’s Urban Program works with a number of urban groups across Vietnam, who are structurally and socially excluded from the benefits of change and development.

We put women at the heart of our work with groups such as sex workers, female migrants, and female factory workers. They often live and work in unsafe environments, and are subject to stigma, discrimination, exploitation and abuse. Many are effectively “hidden” populations, marginalised as a result of social conventions and stereotypes, or because of a lack of responsive legal and policy frameworks.

To learn more about our umbrella programme, please download the brochure here.

Since 2020, CARE introduces initiative to support urban and suburban women in Urban Program. You can find below project overviews under the program and its precedent Social Marginalised People.
Strive women - Bừng sáng

Strive Women

Strive Women, a four-year program led by CARE and supported by the Mastercard Center for Inclusive Growth, strengthens the financial health of women-led small businesses in Vietnam. Women-led small businesses are critical contributors to economies, communities, and households worldwide.

Strengthen the economic resilience and improve well-being of female factory workers in order to cope with the negative impacts of COVID-19

The project aims to strengthen the economic resilience and improve well-being of female factory workers in order to cope with the negative impacts of COVID-19.

(IGNITE initiative) IGNITE in Vietnam: Unleashing the power of women entrepreneurs

The IGNITE Initiative ensures a landscape that promises greater opportunity for women entrepreneurs, which will accordingly promote their economic empowerment.

(BRAVE) Building responsibility & accountability for gender-based violence elimination

This project works to increase the rejection of GBV among the Vietnamese public by shifting the responsibility for GBV away from the survivor.

Improving gender equality in the revised Labour Code

Via this project, we increase public awareness and support for gender equitable provisions in the revised Labour Code.

(Nha Nhieu Cot) The Pillars Campaign

Nha Nhieu Cot campaign is aimed at shifting gender norms limiting women’s economic participation in Vietnam through facilitating well-informed conversations among urban millennials in media and social media.

(U-ME Captial initiative) Urban Migrant Entrepreneur Capital in Vietnam

This partnership brings together technology start-up JupViec, LienVietPostBank, CARE and the Australian Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) to increase wellbeing of urban migrants by providing access to formal financial services and jobs.

(P.A.C.E.) Personal advancement & career enhancement for urban migrant women

P.A.C.E. works to develop skills for migrant women in the informal economy in urban areas so that they advocate for their needs and interests.

I am strong!

I AM STRONG! Project works to increase the confidence, leadership acumen, and knowledge of female factory workers to improve their occupational well-being and more dignified working conditions by working with communities and factories.

(NQ-Empowerment) Enhanced access to social services for female sex workers

This project addresses the underlying causes of marginalisation of female sex workers and works towards responsive and supportive policy and legal approaches to sex work, to enable them to have a stronger voice and equitable access to protection and services.

(IPSC) Improving Private Sector Competitiveness

The Improving Private Sector Competitiveness project seeks to remove policy, market, and firm-level constraints inhibiting the growth of small and growing businesses (SGBs), including those owned or led by women and vulnerable populations. CARE is a sub-contractor under this project.

(STOP) Enhancing women’s voice to stop sexual harassment against female factory workers

This project is implemented in Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia and Myanmar to promote a safe working environment for female garment factory workers in the region.

Towards an ILO Convention on ending violence and harassment in workplace

This project aims at raising awareness and support from Vietnam toward the adoption of a new ILO Convention on ending violence and harassment in the world of work.


This project aims to provide new skills and knowledge Hanoi’s informal female workers, such as waste collectors or second-hand clothes vendors, so that they improve their income security.